Carolyn Brown

Carolyn has been with the Fred Varney Company since October of 2008. She had over 5 years of prior kitchen design experience before joining the Fred Varney Company. She has been working with customers to achieve their dream kitchens for over 17 years. Coming from a family of builders, Carolyn learned how to envision projects from conception to completion leading to her desire to become an architectural designer.

After taking classes in architectural design throughout high school, she first started her career by designing custom swimming pools. This experience helped her to build her customer service skills as well as her design skills. With an eye for detail and a love of artistic expression, designing kitchens gives her the ability to do both. To serve the diverse needs of her clients, she has designed all types of kitchens from traditional to contemporary styles. In her free time, Carolyn enjoys all of the activities that draw people to the Lakes Region area like kayaking, hiking, gardening, and biking. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and her daughter, Norah.